How to Clean a Pipe Line


Having a clogged sink or bathtub pipe can be a very frustrating ordeal. Cleaning the pipe line doesn't require expensive tools or machinery. You may already have a plumbing snake on hand in your garage. It's a fairly common household plumbing tool. However, if using a plumbing snake doesn't seem to fix the clog, you may need to call in a professional plumber.
Lay old rags around your work area in order to soak up any debris that may come out of the pipe.
Remove the drain cover by simply pulling it up with your hands or by using a screwdriver or similar tool.
Feed the plumbing snake into the pipe line by putting the head of the device into the drain and manually rotating the lever that lengthens the wire snake. You may want to rotate it a bit as you feed it in.
Find the blockage by continuously feeding the cable and pushing the head of the wire down gently until you feel it hit the blockage.
Retrieve the blockage by rotating the head of the plumbing snake until you feel it dig into the blockage. You should be able to grip the blockage using the auger on the snaking device. Place the debris your remove in a bucket so you can dispose of it later.
Wash away any remaining debris by running very hot water down the drain for at least five minutes.